Category Archives: Health
Why Your Bottled Water Is Destroying Your Health and the Environment
A Deep Dive Into the Dark Side of Single-Use, Plastic Water Bottles This World Ocean [...]
Spring Cleaning, Sustainably
After the Easter bunny, it’s time to turn our attention to dust bunnies. Spring brings [...]
A Reminder to Be Kind to Yourself During Mental Health Awareness Month
From May 1-31, the United States will celebrate Mental Health Awareness Month. You’ve likely seen [...]
How to Stay Hydrated: Healthy Hydration Goals
It’s the new year. We’ve all had our share of holiday feasting and drinking—and deserved [...]
EPA Announces PFAS Roadmap to Speed Up Protection Against ‘Forever Chemicals’
PFASs, or “forever chemicals,” are a class of chemicals that have been polluting our environment [...]
PFAs in Our Drinking Water
PFASs, or “forever chemicals,” have been polluting our environment for decades—we’ve even written about them [...]
PFAS, PFOS, & PFOA, oh my! Growing concern about ‘forever chemicals’ in our tap water
Contaminants Affecting Your Tap Water Quality Recent research by the non-profit Environmental Working Group revealed [...]
Sick Again? Your Tap Water Could Be The Culprit
In the 1990’s, you may remember that Erin Brockovich won a major legal case over [...]
Our Drinking Water: Five Common Misconceptions That Could Destroy Your Health
By now, everyone in the country had heard about the water crisis in Flint, MI. [...]