What Are PFAS? And Why Are They Toxic? - AquaTru

PFAS, short for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances, are a type of synthetic chemical that consists of carbon and fluorine atoms. These man-made substances have been and are still being widely used in various industries due to their unique properties. However, concerns have been raised about their potential impact on human health and the environment. In this blog post, we will explore what PFAs are and why they are a cause for concern.

Understanding PFAS: The Basics

Per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) have a unique chemical structure that makes them very stable, resistant to heat, water and oil. Consequently, PFAS have found their way into many different industries such as manufacturing, textiles, automotive, electronics, and aerospace due to their desirable properties and versatility.

The alarming reality is that these chemicals can be found in everyday items such as non-stick cookware, waterproof fabrics, stain-resistant carpets, food packaging materials, dental floss, cleaning products, and personal care products.

PFAS Linked to Health Issues

What’s more, PFAS has been linked to a number of major health issues. Despite this, there hasn’t been much control from the government over the PFASs that are allowed in the water system.
Major Health Risks Unveiled:

  1. Cancer Causing Potential: Extensive study has shown that PFAS pollution may be linked to cancers like kidney, testicular, breast, and prostate cancers. Notably, perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) and perfluorooctanesulfonic acid (PFOS), two well-known PFAS, have been labeled as possible cancer-causing chemicals.1
  2. Endocrine System Disruption: PFAS can mess with the endocrine system, which is what controls hormones in the body. This can hurt reproductive health, cause developmental problems, and make the defense system less effective.2
  3. Liver Toxicity: Studies have shown that PFAS exposure is linked to liver damage, such as liver cancer, liver inflammation, and a decrease in how well the liver works. Because the liver is so important for getting rid of toxins, it is especially sensitive to the harmful effects of PFAS.3
  4. Developmental Effects: Pregnant women and young children are particularly vulnerable to the adverse effects of PFAs. Exposure during critical stages of development may result in low birth weight, developmental delays, and compromised immune function in infants and children.4

Due to the federal government’s limited involvement, certain states have attempted to implement their own regulations to address this issue. However, these efforts have fallen short. EPA recently estimated that the drinking water of up to 94 million Americans is contaminated with harmful levels of these toxic “forever chemicals.5 Additionally, about 7.2 million Americans get sick every year from diseases spread through water.6

Protect Your Health and Help the Environment With AquaTru

Thankfully, we have the power to take control and effectively eliminate the presence of PFAS in our drinking water. When it comes to water purification, traditional reverse osmosis technology has long been regarded as the most effective method for removing nearly all contaminants from tap water. However, these systems typically come with a hefty price tag, often exceeding $1000 for in-home installations that require complex plumbing. 

AquaTru sets itself apart from conventional systems with its patented Ultra Reverse Osmosis® Technology. AquaTru effectively purifies your water without the need for complex plumbing or installation. It has earned certification to NSF standards by IAPMO for the removal of 83 contaminants, including PFAS.